The story revolves around a family who lived in an old area of town in Central Java. Kat Tan Sun (Henky Solaiman), Buddhism who has a Chinese restaurant, careful with environment, careful about the Halal and Haram. He got a trouble with his son.
Soleh (Reza Rahadian), a Moslem and unemployment but diligent in pray, always confusion with his condition. His wife, Menuk (Revalina Temat S) worked in a restaurant Kat Tan Sun. She practically became a pillar of her family.
Rika (Endhita), a widowed woman. She continued her family business: a bookstore. She learned the Catholic faith and wanted to be baptized, but encouraging his son to deepen the Islamic religion in the local mosque. She was also friends with Surya (Agus Kuncoro), who dreams to become a great actor, but still had small opportunity roles. He lives in poverty; that was why he was staying in the mosque.
The story has revolved around issues of individual households, individual problems, and social issues: inter-ethnic hatred / religion, religious radicalism in the form of the stabbing incident at the church pastor and bombs, destruction of the restaurant.